Monday, November 11, 2013


I looked at my planner this morning and couldn’t even believe that it was the 11th of November... Where is all the time going? It is freaking me out!!! Shout out to my mom- HAPPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! Love you so much! 

This week was such a tender mercy. On Monday we had a combined zone activity so I saw Hna Burnham. On Tuesday we had specialized training so I saw Hna. Koch. Then I had exchanges again in the woodlands with Hna. Hoj- she is brand new and so awesome, learned so much from her! Then on Friday and Saturday I went to a funeral and saw EVERYONE from H5. I have to say that that was probably one of the most precious moments of my mission to be reunited with everyone. Sad that it had to be a funeral but I am so grateful that I was able to be there. It was amazing to see how everyone was doing. Hna Leyva gave us a referral for a lady who lives in my new area and Hna Escobar was telling me how the whole ward was so sad to see me go because I was always smiling but she is so happy that I am with Hna Deloya right now. When I saw Hna Ramirez, I told her how much I missed her tortillas and she just fell in my arms and I held her for the longest time. She is similar to mom in that way that she likes to hear that her food is good. (Quick random thought: which totally reminds me of Hna Claudia Martinez. That is the lady I wrote you a letter about who teaches us how to cook and then cooks for us 2x a week. She always asks us if we like her food and always tells us to invite the other missionaries but we tell her no because then there wont be enough for us! She is my favorite!) Anyways, I just am really grateful for the mission because it really gives you the opportunity to bond with so many different types of people. My favorite part about being a missionary is that you really feel God's love for the people around you. I feel like one of the main roles I have is to reflect God's love and there isn’t any other feeling that is better than that!

There is an article in the Ensign about Gratitude prayers that you should all probably read. It changed my whole perspective on prayer. I have also made the goal to have only gratitude prayers for the rest of 2013. It is really hard and you realize how it is a habit to just ask for things. And there may be some of you reading this that are asking yourselves well how will I receive blessings if I don't ask. Well, I am here to promise you that you will receive blessings! Prayers of gratitude are a demonstration of faith. And for me this past week, that faith has brought about miracles. I have also been so humbled through my experience because I realize that God is really in control of every aspect of our life. He loves us unconditionally. His love is there whether we recognize it or not. His love will always be there. 

I know that God is our Heavenly Father and that He always gives us what we need. He knows better because He sees the big picture. When we express gratitude, we are showing Him that we are humbling ourselves before Him and aligning our will with His. I am so grateful for all that I have been blessed with and all the experiences that God gives me to grow. 

Keep smiling. 

I love you all. 

Hermana Parry

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