Sunday, June 30, 2013

Talk in Spanish

Es un placer a estar en frenete de ustedes hoy dia porque tengo la oportunidad de hablar sobre una de mis cosas mas favoritas. Y esta es la obra misional. Cada vez que escucho o pienso en la obra misional, mi adrenalina comienza a bombear con mucha fuerza y estoy extremadamente emocionada. A menudo pienso "Por que me siento como asi?" Y mi respuesta es lo siguente: La obra misional es TAN importante y es literalmente la obra de nuestro Salvador. La obra misional es vida eternal- la salvacion de los hijos de Dios. Todos nosotros debemos sentir como asi cuando escuchamos o pensamos sobre la obra misional. Tenemos un mensaje muy especial a ofrecer al mundo. Que JesuCristo vive y restablecio su iglesia perfecta por nosotros.
Durante nuestra tiempo juntos ahorita, ojala que ustedes sentiran la importancia de la obra misional por si mismos. Y tambien que recibiran revelacion personal para saber la manera que pueden ayudar el Senor en su obra.
Vivimos en un epoca interesante. Todo lo que en nuestra iglesia nos esta llevando a la aceleracion de la obra del Senor. Hay muchas personas en el mundo, tantos en la iglesia como fuera de la iglesia, que se pierden. Dios no quiere eso. Por esta razon, el nos manda a predicar el evangelio restaurado. Jose Smith dijo, "Despues de todo lo que se ha dicho, nuestro mayor y mas importante deber es predicar el Evangelio."
Hermanos y Hermanos, quiero proponer algo. La obra misional no es solo un llamamiento. La obra misional es algo que necesitamos llegar a ser. Tenemos que permitir que la obra misional se convierta en una parte de nosotros. Nunca debemos apartarse a nosotros mismos de este.
La primera manera de hacerlo es mediante la comprension del proposito de Dios.
En Moises 1:39 leemos, "Este es mi obra y gloria. A llevar a cabo la inmortalidad y vida eterna del hombre."
La vida eterna es a conocer Dios y su Hijo, Jesucristo. La vida eterna es un estado de interminable felicidad. El quiere que todo reciba las bendiciones de la salvacion.
Como miembros de la iglesia verdadera de Jesucristo, tenemos que obrar diligentemente en las vinas del Senor para ayudar a llevar a cabo el proposito de Dios. Somos de bien importancia ahorita. Somos los que preparar al mundo. En las escrituras aprendimos que en los ultimos dias, el evangelio ira adelante aun hasta ha alcanzada cada persona y ha penetrado cada corazon. Esto sucede por medio de nosotros.
D&C 18:14 nos dice, "Recordad que el valor de las almas es grande a la vista de Dios. Asi que, sois llamados a proclamar el arrepentimiento a este pueblo."
Nos ensena o nos recuerda que Dios nos ama ca ada uno de nosotros individualmente. El valor de nuestras almas es grande en su vista! Todos nosotros hemos sentido el amor de Dios y el poder para salvar en nuestras vidas y por esta razon estamos aqui en la capilla hoy. Somos los miembros de la Iglesia de Jesucristo de Los Santos de Los Ultimos Dias porque es el reino de nuestro Senor. Tenemos la verdad.

Entendimos que salvacion viene por medio de ordenanzas sagradas. Tenemos la autoridad a realizar estas ordenanzas porque estos llaves fueron restaurados a Jose Smith. Este es nuestro mensaje y no hay ningun otro mensaje lo que tiene tanta significa eterna como esto. Que maravilloso verdad? Necesitamos obtenerlo y correr con el.

Uno de mis descursos favoritos es de Elder Jeffery R. Holland, se llama "El primer y grande mandamiento." En este discurso el habla sobre, como miembros, tenemos una vida de discipulado devoto por el Senor. En el discurso, el relata la historia de Pedro cuando Jesus se aparecio a los discipulos en Tiberia. Jesus le pregunto Pedro si "me amas" tres veces. La tercera vez Jesus respondio diciendo quizas algo como asi- en las palabras de Elder Jeffery R. Holland:

"Lo que necesito, Pedro, son discipulos, y los necisito para siempre. Necesito que alguien que me ama, que verdaderamente me ame, y que me ame lo que nuestro Padre Celestial me ha comisionado hacer. El nuestro no es un mensaje debil, no es una tarea fugaz, no es desafortunada, no es sin esperanza, no ha de quedar olvidada en las cenizas de la historia, es la obra del Dios Todopoderoso, y ha de cambiar al mundo. De modo que, Pedro, por segunda y supuestamente la ultima vez, te pido que dejes todo esto y vayas a ensenar y testificar, a trabajar y servir fielmente hasta el dia en que hagan contigo exactamente lo que hicieron conmigo."
Aye wow verdad? Bien poderoso. Para mi, esta cita me ayuda para abrir mis ojos y darme cuenta que el evangelio tiene que cambiarnos. Necisitamos ser diferentes porque tenemos algo differente. Sabemos que Dios nos ama y tiene un plan por nosotros. Tenemos un Amistad en nuestro Salvador. Es dificil a pensar que muchos no tienen este conocimiento. Necesitamos amar como Jesucristo nos ama.

En resumen, esta es la obra misional. Amar. Amor traera otras almas al evangelio. Cuando mostramos el amor de Cristo, otras se daran cuenta que somos discipulos de Cristo y que tenemos la verdad.

Se un pescador de los hombres por medio de amor. Cuando nos damos cuenta el proposito de Dios es traer almas a el, es mas facil a llegar a ser un pescador de los hombres. La unica cosa tenemos que recorder es amar.

Hermanos y Hermanas, tenemos que amar. Todos somos los hijos de Dios y somos especiales a el. Jesucristo es nuestro ejemplo perfecto y el nos ama perfectamente. Jesucristo llevo a cabo la salvation por todos nosotros por medio de amor. En realidad, nuestra propio salvacion es evidencia de su amor.

Tenemos que traer esta a todo al mundo- el conocimiento que les son amados. No sera facil porque salvacion nunca fue facil. Pero es mi testimono que esta es la obra del Jesucristo. Nos ayudara hasta que su amor prevalezca en el mundo.

Monday, June 24, 2013

The Work of Salvation

I’m sitting here with a lot of different feelings right now. Not quite sure how to right this email.

I have never felt quite as broken as I do right now. But its not a bad broken. Actually, you know what. It is a terrible broken. My body hurts and my heart aches. To take a positive spin on things, I guess it just proves how much love I have for the people here, especially Florencio and Maria. It also proves just how important missionary work is for missionaries as well as ward members; and with that being said more importantly as ward members. (Please watch the Worldwide Training Broadcast for further explanation) 

I suppose that I need to explain to you what is going on. After the Broadcast, Hermana Burnham and I decided to go and visit Florencio and Maria. They didn’t go to church and we were really concerned about what was going on. Maria called us earlier in the week and told us that she thinks she might have been baptized when she was younger so we have been trying to find her records. She wanted to postpone things. Yesterday when we went over. Florencio and Maria sat us down to say that they have been praying so hard to know what to do. They know that the Book of Mormon is true and they will continue reading and studying it but as for now they do not want to be baptized. Hermana Burnham and I wept on their couch for an hour straight. They continued to tell us how they loved the doctrine and that it made sense. Then the dagger to the heart came. They said, very kindly, that they just did not feel loved by the congregation. They were not saying it as an excuse or to be offensive but they were genuinely concerned. Florencio explained how in the bible we learn that the first and most important commandment is to love others. They then told us a few incidents that happened with members and ouch. Florencio continued and asked how they could be true disciples of Jesus Christ if they do not love. Florencio and Maria were so grateful for all the things that we have taught them and for the hope that we brought into their lives. Florencio saw how much we were hurting and said that without us he wouldn’t have been able to start his journey back to God. We were literally his angels and he will never forget us. They gave us all their information because they want us to stay in contact but it is still just so sad. I am not trying to blame the ward and say that it is their entire fault that they did not do their part. But I am realizing that it does not matter how many people Hermana Burnham and I find tracting and in our own efforts if the ward isn’t there to do their part. We are a team and we cannot do this without them. So we are having to step back a little and change how we are doing things down here in Gulfbank. We will be working a lot more with the ward. I feel kind of blessed to be giving a talk this Sunday because I have a lot of fire in me and I am hoping that the spirit will work through me to get these people to realize their HUGE role in the work of salvation.

The mission is so real. We are literally saving souls. It is so sad that this had to happen. But I do know that Florencio and Maria will be baptized. They want nothing more than to serve God. They are trying the best that they can and they will be blessed for their efforts. One day they will be sealed in the temple. The Lord has made that known to me. They are not going to go without the ALL the blessings that God has to offer them. God has a plan. He is going to continue to work with them and prepare them. I need to have more faith in that. I love Florencio and Maria. So much.

Cutest part of last night was when we were leaving and Florencio turned to us with his arms wide open to give us a hug. I never wanted to let go. FYI he has been sober for 2 weeks. He is a different man. He is better because he is closer to Christ.

The church is true. If there were anything that I can leave with you all, it would be, Love the Savior. Have a real relationship with Him. Realize all that he is done for you. When that happens, you will feel inclined and have the strongest desire to share this gospel with others. This is the only way we receive salvation. This is so important. Please do your part.

I love you all! I love this gospel! I love my Savior! I do love my ward too! Hermana Burnham and I are here for a reason. She is the best companion ever and we are learning so much together. Grateful for how strong she is because it is building my faith. This whole situation would be a lot harder if I didn’t have her. She is reminding me of the Lord's timing.

Also, Angie's mother will be getting baptized the end of July! That just goes to show how even an 8 year old can be a missionary.

Read 1 Corinthians 2:6


Hermana Parry

Monday, June 17, 2013

We are the ones to make the world ready!

I have probably said it in my last email but ill say it again because it is worth repeating. Gulfbank is about to explode!! The Lord is working so closely with the people here that by the end of this year, we are going to have a ward. D&C 31:7- Yea, I will open the hearts of the people, and they will receive you. And I will establish a church by your hand; This is what is happening down here, right now. Hermana Burnham and I have a goal that a new ward is going to be made by the end of this year. I know that it will happen.

This week was amazing. Elder Christoffel Golden Jr. came down to Houston for a tour of our mission and we had a specialized training with him this past Thursday. He told us to leave this training with Divine Discontentment. He is not happy with the numbers here. He knows that they can be so much better! He was saying how he knows that President Pingree had revelation (and it was a promise) that there are tens of thousands of people ready and waiting to receive the gospel and that he wanted to tell us that there is even more than that. We need to get to work. He couldn’t understand how people were saying that it was a hard mission. From the words of him himself, "We must raise our expectations to baptize. This is the Lord's work, not ours. He wants to bless us more than He has. If we are obedient, virtuous, and work hard, the Lord will perform mighty miracles."

I will probably just send you a copy of my notes because I have so many I cant even look over them right now. Bottom line is that for missionaries, obedience is the minimum. We cannot settle for mediocrity.

There was a part that I especially liked though. He was talking about how you cannot switch yourself on and off in this work. 100% of the time- you are a missionary. You have to take control of your life because you are a servant of the Lord. Making adjustments shows the Lord our faith. He then said something to the effect of how we truly have little understanding who we are. He needs to understand that we are capable, that we are to be fully engaged in this work. As a servant of the Lord, you cannot say that there is nothing happening from 1 - 5 in the day. There are 2.4 million people in this mission and the Lord is working right now. Get in your soul that you are in the finding and teaching mode always. Sister Pingree then added later on in the conference that you only have 18 months to serve a mission and the rest of your life to think about it. It is up to us to make things happen.

Alright, enough of that because in all honesty, I am dying to update you on the work down here. After that conference Hermana Burnham and I had the best planning session ever. We have really high expectations. But Elder Golden told us that we need to make goals that we cannot reach- that is when the Lord comes in and pushes us to reach those goals. Can I just say that it hasn’t even been a week since we met with this Elder and things have already changed since we have been applying his teachings. All I know is that the gospel is extremely real and that he truly is inspired. Anyways, we have goals set to have baptisms every Saturday. We knew that it would be hard. Most of you probably don’t remember that little girl named Angie who cried when she told us that her dad wouldn’t let her get baptized. Well Saturday the Lord softened his hard and gave her permission when we met with him. Angie will be getting baptized this Saturday, the 22nd. Florencio and Maria are amazing. We met with them both this week and brought Pablo Ramierez Jr (old alcoholic who is now the ward secretary). We explained Word of Wisdom and Florencio said that he hasn’t had the inclination to drink since he went to church last Sunday! He prays all the time for that temptation to be gone and the Lord is strengthening him. Maria also responded telling us that she is giving up Coke! They are so excited for their baptism on the 29th. Bishop already has a calling in mind for Maria. My guess- Relief Society President. I wish you could see how good they look when they are sitting in the chapel. Wow. It is something else. Maria also loves that we have a modern day profeta. She tells us every time that we see her that everything about our church makes sense. Uh ya it does! The church is truer than we can even imagine. Also another miracle was that Marta Sosa attended church. She said that the service "me da sueno" but she said that she is for sure coming back next week. She even figured out the bus routes from her house to the capilla. She also told us when and what time our return appointment would be this week and told us to make sure to be there on time. She is getting more excited - even if she wont admit it- and I think that things are finally starting to sink in for her. The best part of church is that during Relief Society we were talking about the law of the tithe and Marta and Maria were the ones bearing their testimonies and saying all these deep, profound comments about commandments and blessings from God.

This is the life. This is happiness. I love these people with all my heart and I keep praying that I can stay in this area for longer because the growth here is amazing. But then again if I’m not the person they need then President Pingree can go ahead and transfer me because I don’t want to be the one halting their growth. But as long as I am here you can count on me to knock on every single door until everyone knows who the missionaries of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints are.

The church is true. Jesus Christ lives and is our Savior.

I love you all!!

Hermana Parry


Wednesday, June 12, 2013

"I'm probably happier than you right now."

I can't really remember anything in particular that happened this week. But thats not surprising- my memory is terrible. All I do know is that I have never laughed so hard in my whole entire life. Honestly though. The people here are hilarious. And so is Hermana Burnham. This week she told me that I laugh at my own jokes ... So apparently I think I'm pretty funny too. Asi es.
I kind of feel like all I need to say is WOW this church is true and I could be done with my email. All my feelings sum up to that simple truth. All my happiness comes from that witness.  All that I am is because of that source of knowledge. Its amazing how life changing the message of the Restoration of Christ's church is. I have seen that first hand again this week and I am so grateful for this opportunity to work so closely with so many different people to help strengthen their faith in Jesus Christ so that they can experience this happiness. Its unlike anything I could ever try to describe. You all just need to go out and testify about what you know to everyone. You have no idea who is ready to talk these life changing steps until you talk to them!
I can just think back to the first time that we met Florencio. Little did we know that he was a drunk who desperately needed Christ in his life. But now he is on a path in order to straighten up his life and it is the most beautiful thing I have ever witnessed. You know how you read the stories about people just fallen at the feet of Jesus wanting to be healed in the Bible and Book of Mormon? There is no other way to describe Florencio. He is there is Jesus' feet and it is amazing.
Him and Maria came to church yesterday. Right on time too! I was on the other side of the congregation but quickly made my way to them. Im sorry but yes I gave Florencio the biggest hug- in front of the entire ward. I couldnt resist. It was beautiful to see him in the chapel. He was crying because he knew that there was hope for him and he is really starting to realize that he can change. Yesterday he told me that he was in complete obscuridad and that Christ is su luz. I introduced him to bishop and Florencio just broke down again. Bishop was awesome and nailed it. The spirit was so strong while he was talking. Also it was really nice because Florencio told bishop that we were his angels. That truth is given to us by angels and that we were that for him. Maria then agreed and told him of her story of how she has been waiting for this opportunity to be baptized in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. She said that God has really heard her prayers and she feels his love more then ever before.
They ate up church yesterday. They said that everything that they heard and were taught felt like it was specifically for them. They were both crying during the first hour. Hermana Gandara and the High Priest over our ward spoke. Im pretty sure you don't get a more stellar combination than that. Maria went up to probably every single member of our ward and introduced herself. She then bore her testimony in gospel principles and was answering questions. She bore a powerful testimony about baptism. She is so excited. For some reason we got talking about the temple and under her breath she was saying something to the effect of, that is the end.
Florencio apparently went up to Elder Mondragon after and was talking to him about baptism and how he wanted that so badly. We also helped make a strong friendship between Florencio and a former alcoholic who is now the ward secretary. They talked and talked and the member (Pablo Ramierez Jr) said that you just call me anytime, I am here for you. That melted my heart! Everyone loves Florencio and Maria. But I mean who wouldnt. They are my favorite people I have ever met. I cannot wait to see them get baptized and in a year from then, go through the temple with them so that they can be sealed for time and all eternity!
Maria is also the best little missionary. She invited all her family to church and is giving us the addresses so we can go visit them. She knows that this is life chaning and this is what we all need for our own salvation.
This is why I am here. For Florencio and Maria. There is something about them that I cannot even explain over email. I cannot wait for you to one day meet them. But more importantly I cannot wait for that day when we are all found worthy to be together in the presence of God and Jesus Christ. This is what a mission is all about. This is the happiness that I cannot even explain.
I love you all so very much!
Thank you so much for your sacrifices to let me be out here. We are working so hard and the Lord knows that. He is blessing Hermana Burnham and me with these wonderful people. I truly know that I am on the Lord's errand and it is wonderful.
Have a great week and Father's Day!!
Hermana Parry
PS quick side note, we went to a funeral last night and the whole time I was thinking about what I would say about my parents at their funeral. As sad as that was, I realized how extremely blessed I have been to have such goodly parents. I LOVE YOU! Thanks for all your love and support. Its far reaching

Monday, June 3, 2013


I have to start off by saying that this letter has to be one of my favorites!  WOW what an amazing opportunity Hermana Parry is having.  It makes me so glad that she is SERVING the Lord at this time in her life.  I look at the pictures she sends to us and I LOVE seeing her smiley face.  I know that she is the happiest she has ever been and that is saying a LOT, because Mackynzie is one happy kid.  I am so extremely proud of her love of the people.  I am so happy for the growth and knowledge she is sharing with all of us. - Love, Karyn   

Hermana Burnham and Hermana Parry
We will be a forever friends!
We bought a cake with a dying elders (elder crane's) face on it.
We thought we were funny!
This is the cutest little girl ever.
She cries every time we go over and tell
her she is a daughter of god. She loves him so much.
Zone Conference


A sleepover at the mission home due to an incident at our apartment.  
The district
There is a talk in the MTC, Character of Christ by Elder Bednar, that challenges us all to get a Book of Mormon and read it for a specific purpose. A few weeks ago my friend who is serving a mission sent me a Book of Mormon with notes about missionary work and missionaries. I finally finished it and this is my summary (I hope that it makes sense- I thought you would enjoy this mom because you are doing something similar):

1. A common theme, or even the main underlying theme, in the Book of Mormon is that is we are obedient, we will prosper. As missionaries, we are only going to be successful and feel the spirit work through us when we are exactly obedient. I also learned that in order to be exactly obedient, you have to have a deep faith and strong love for our Savior and Heavenly Father. Without those 2 things, we dont feel inclined to be obedient. So therefore, if we want to prosper, love the lord with all your heart, mind, and might, then you will be guided to know what to do!
2. The gospel is plain and simple. Christ stated several times that the doctrine of Christ is plain and simple: Come follow Him. Profetas testify of this plainly. When we teach this way, everything clicks for the investigator- had an experience with that this week and I cant wait to tell you about it.
3. All things are done in wisdom of God. He has all power and we learn in the Book of Mormon that he truly is in the details of our lives. We see it time and time again. Its so interesting how even Moroni's challenge (one of the most used scriptures in the Book of Mormon) gives attention to the wisdom of God. It states that if it be wisdom in God that ye should read them. That just proves to me that God is preparing and that it is by his mercy that people have the opportunity to recieve this special message. People just dont find this truth by coincidence. It you watch "How Rare a Possession: The Book of Mormon," you even see how those men attribute their experience to find the fullness of the gospel to God. Trust in His timing and in His ways.
4. There is a quote in PMG that says you cant convert past your own conversion. That is totally evident in the Book of Mormon! The best missionaries were driven by their own testimonies. Once they received a spiritual witness, they didnt hestitate to share that joy. Our testimony must be deeply rooted like that so that we feel that burning desire like Alma the Younger or Lehi to share this gospel with the world.
5. The biggest thing I realized this time around is the reality of the atonement. I love the quote that says that the atonement will carry the missionaries perhaps more importantly than the investigators. a mission is hard. But on my hardest days, I would open up the Book of Mormon and read something that specifically correlated to my problem. The Lord is very aware of our situations. He knows our feelings and our faults. We are not alone in His work. He is constantly sustaining us and is so proud of the work that is going on. We need the atonement all day, everyday. It enables us to do this work. It is impossible to do it without it. But if there is anything I learnd, it is that Christ will give us strength to overcome our weaknesses and diminish our darkest days.
Ok there you go, that is my little rant for the day. Now for my week. Nothing too spectacular. Actually I take that back. Everything is spectacular. I just love this people so much. Whenever I leave a house I cant stop saying how much I love them nor can I wipe the smile off my face. These people are awesome.
Especially Florencio and Maria Gomez. We had a scare on Saturday actually. We called Maria to verify our cita with her and her husband that night and she said that she actually had to cancel and that the Book of Mormon is not the same as the Bible and that she didnt want to be baptized anymore. She then just hung up without us being able to say anything... Uhhh what?? We both felt like we needed to go see her so we drove directly to her house and she kindly let us all in. We had an awesome lesson. We talked about the Book of Mormon, Christ's baptism, the Apostacia, and the Restauracion. Everything went really smoothly and it was simple. But the best part about it is when the light bulb went off for her and she understood it. I know it was the Holy Ghost. Our mouths were filled and the spirit was confirming that what we were teaching was true. She then said how beautiful God is. How His plan is perfect. She was then testifying to us that the Bible really does testify of the Book of Mormon and that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the exact same church that Christ established many years before. We have the authority and the way to return to God with our families. She kept thanking God because She knew taht we were sent there in that moment to answer all her dudas. She is more excited to get baptized now then she was last week. All is well. Hermana Burnham and I think that this experience was just to remind us that this work isnt easy. We have to constantly be working. Then on Sunday we had an awesome lesson with Maria and Florencio about Lehi's dream and the love of God. We all made goals on how we can better hold on to the iron rod in order to partake of the tree of life. They are stellar. I love them so much!!! We are going back on Wednesday to learn how to make tortillas.
This week we also called Leo and Vacenta to see how they were doing. The first time we met them they told us they were busy all week so they wouldnt be able to see us. Therefore, we waited a little too long to contact them again. When I called them, Leo picked up and was so HAPPY, so so happy, to hear from us. He thought I had returned to California and he was so sad because he and his family were so excited. I had mixed feelings when I heard this. I loved it because I felt loved but then I felt terrible that we hadnt called sooner. But anyways it doesnt matter because we are meeting with him and his family on Tuesday and we are going to bring Hermano Santa Cruz with us to teach Restauracion. Hermano Santa Cruz is one of my favorite people ever. He is from Guatemala and is hilarious. Honestly dad, you would love him!
Another important lesson I learned this week, well... This is an interesting one actually. We went over to share a quick message with Ronnie this past Thursday. We read 3 Nefi 11 and talked about Christ and how the gospel is individual for each of us. He then opened up and told us a lot. Apparently he lived in Salt Lake a few years ago before he returned to Guatemala. He learned about the church there and attended a few services. He loved it! Thats why he stopped us the other day. Also he said how he really wants to get married. I guess that part it kinda of random to the story but I just thought it was sweet! haha Anyways, we also talked a little about baptism. I wanted to invite him to be baptized but I didnt. We left the house and then while we were walking to the car, I felt like we needed to go back and just ask him. Hermana Burnham and I were just joking about how awkward it was going to be to knock on the door again and be like, oh hey we just saw you but we really wanted to invite to be baptized... We said a quick prayer for confidence and knowledge to know what to say to him. When we returned he hoped the door and we just invited him! Ill be honest, I was expecting him to say yes of course, I was hoping you would ask me. But instead we definitely didnt get a yes. But we didnt get a no either. When we left for the second time I was like, what the heck! Why did I have that prompting to do that if nothing came from that... Bad thinking. Hermana Burnham reminded me of Abraham and Isaac. Everything then clicked. We are sometimes just given promptings in order to see how much we will do for the Lord. I know I wasnt asked to sacrifice my first child, but that was a really awkward situation and I needed to remember that I am here for the Lord and he wants to push and try me to help me become something more. Its beautiful isnt it? A tender mercy that happend that night was that Ronnie texted us and said that he hopes we are safe and that we have a nice night. I like to think that the question of baptism was burning his heart and that he was genuinely contemplating it. We will see what comes out of it! Love that little hopeless romantic.
I just want to end saying that i love you all so much! Thank you so much for you sacrifices for me to serve these people. I am learning so much from these people and I know that we are placed in each other's path for a reason. These people keep calling us angels and you know what, its awesome. I know that God is working really hard through us right now. I feel like his instrument in this work and it is indescribable.
I was sitting in sacrament meeting yesterday watching Irving pass the sacrament and I got thinking, wow, he is going to marry in the temple and be able to be with his family forever. I then just started balling because I realized that if I dont bring anyone else to the gospel thats ok because Irving is doing it all right. I am going to be able to see him in Heaven with God and Christ and that is going to be the happiest moment ever. Honestly, that is why we do this work. There is an end goal and it is going to be everlasting happiness. Continue to work hard to get there.
I hope this makes sense. I just went off an a bunch of tangents. I just really love this work and all the things I learn. I cannot get enough of it.
Mucho amor siempre,
Hermana Parry