Monday, December 16, 2013

senti padre

First things first. I have to give a shout out to the YW! Thanks so much for the package. I was leaving the apartment today and right as we opened the door the FedEx lady was standing there getting ready to knock. It was a pleasant surprise and I can’t wait to open it!! Love you all so very much!

I am just going to skip right to why this is titled "senti padre" because it is literally the cutest story ever. Yesterday we were teaching Alejandra about profetas and Presidente Thomas S Monson and fortunately we were able to watch a Mormon message by Presidente Monson. Afterwards she immediately said, "senti padre." In that moment we were able to help her recognize the Spirit and tell her that God was confirming to her that Presidente Thomas S. Monson is literally His mensajero hoy dia. The cute part is that padre is slang for cool/awesome in Spanish. So padre is now considered a fruit of the spirit according to Alejandra. 

Also her baptism is this Saturday! Her whole family is coming in from Mexico to come see it! Que emocion!! 

This week was really great. We had a specialized training from President Pingree. He is amazing. He shared this scripture with us: "Where there is no vision, the people perish" (Proverbs 29:18). Now the whole training was directed to us as missionaries truly internalizing our purpose to bring others to Christ. He discussed how the activities that we do, the key indicators that we keep tract of, etc., they are all means that help us reach this end goal. It was a really good reminder for all of us to be more focused on bringing others closer to Christ rather than just trying to get numbers. However, this training really got me thinking about a lot of different things. For example, 

Do we as human beings have a vision? Do we understand our purpose and do we have the understanding of what we need to do right now? 

The vision is that we return back to our Heavenly Father. The means to return to Him is the Gospel of Jesus Christ in fullness. It really is that simple. It is so important to recommit ourselves to having that vision because if we don't, we lose time in our path of progression. It really hit me yesterday in church how there are consequences for all of our actions. All the emotions of Florencio and Maria came back because I just thought about how their decision to stop progressing in the truth has an eternal consequence. And I am not by any means saying that they are not going to have more opportunities but in that moment, I felt a little bit of the sorrow that awaited those people who don’t choose to accept Christ. I know that the gospel swallows up all sorrow and that we just need to learn of the standards that God has set for us. He is the same today, tomorrow, and forever. It is my prayer that we recommit to wanting to live with Him and that we are always obedient. Read the scriptures because they teach us what we need to do. Have faith that everything will be recompensed for if we endure well here. 

I know Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world. He provides us with mercy. This gives me a feeling of padre. I know that mercy is available to all of us if we will but turn to Him. I love my Heavenly Father for providing this plan for us. 

I have to go because the library is closing but I want you to know that I am trying so hard to bring this good news to everyone here in Houston. I am so happy doing it because I know that I am planting the seeds. God never gives up on anyone. He wants all of us to return to Him. I pray that we all use our free agency so that we please our Father in Heaven. Remember that we have promised Him that we will come back to Him. Remind your loved ones that they have too. Help them remember. 

I hope this email sounds urgent. It is meant to be! This is eternal life. 

I love you all!

Keep smiling, 

Hermana Parry

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